Para praktisi di dunia fabrikasi ataupun berkecimpung di Oil & Gas yang sehari-hari bergelut dengan Bejana Tekan (Pressure Vessels) pasti mengenal ASME codes. Terlebih spesifiknya adalah ASME VIII (Division 1, 2 ataupun 3) yang mengurusi masalah Bejana Tekan ini.
Terkadang saya (mungkin juga rekan praktisi) sering salah meng-interpretasikan code tersebut & menjadi perdebatan yang panjang dengan rekan lainnya, bahkan jadi pembicaraan hangat dengan Client.
Yah.....sukur-sukur interpretasi yg kita anggap benar itu memang benar adanya. Lha klo salah ?? gak ada jalan lain, paling simple ya interpretasi ulang.
Paling parah ya, bongkar ulang Bejana Tekan tersebut.
Di sini, saya coba membagi info yang saya punya dalam meng-interpretasikan ASME Section VIII (Div.1) untuk Bejana Tekan dengan Tekanan <3000 PSI.
Untuk yang edisi terbaru-nya (edisi 4), saya masih "tanya-tanya" om Google & FileCrop. Berikut ini adalah kutipan yang saya ambil dari e-book tersebut :
The American Society for Mechanical Engineers present their Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code with limited explanation and equally frugal examples. Users of the Code who do not have an extensive scientific or engineering knowledge may question the rules of the Code and not appreciate their minimalist nature.
Consequently, the philosophy of the Code is lost to many users.
As practicing engineers, we understand the need for brief precision and therefore do not find fault with the format of the Code. It is our wish that by writing this book, a broader appreciation for the philosophy of the Code will be achieved.
In this book we do not attempt to put forward new ideas and concepts, but rather to explain well established engineering practice that perhaps, because of its fundamental nature, is overlooked by many Code users. That this occurs is evident in some of the questions posed for Interpretations. If this book prevents only one instance of the Code being circumvented, and the safety of a pressure component being compromised, then our efforts have been worthwhile.
Will J. Carter
Bruce E. Ball"
Kalau rekan praktisi juga berminat, silahkan unduh di sini. Selamat membaca & semoga sukses.